OnePlus Tablet Pro with Snapdragon 8 Gen3 Debuts, Starts at $400

On June 27th, TapTechNews reported that the OnePlus Summer Performance Ecosystem New Product Launch was held tonight, and the first to debut was the OnePlus Tablet Pro, equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Gen3 processor and a 12.1-inch 3K screen, starting at $400. (The price is converted from 2799 Chinese Yuan.)

OnePlus Tablet Pro with Snapdragon 8 Gen3 Debuts, Starts at

The OnePlus Tablet Pro is equipped with a 12.1-inch 3K Ultra HD true-color screen on the front, with a body weight of 584 grams and a thickness of 6.49 inches. (Converted from 584 grams and 6.49mm.)

The screen of the OnePlus Tablet Pro has a pixel density of 303 PPI, a peak brightness of 900 nits, a resolution of 3000x2120, a refresh rate of 144 Hz, and a color accuracy of ΔE≈0.7. In addition, the screen also supports OnePlus' self-developed eyes-protecting technology, including DC dimming, hardware-level low blue light, natural-like light display, melatonin protection, and ultra-precise ambient light adaptive.

OnePlus Tablet Pro with Snapdragon 8 Gen3 Debuts, Starts at

OnePlus Tablet Pro with Snapdragon 8 Gen3 Debuts, Starts at

This product adopts the exclusive 7:5 golden ratio, and the display area is increased by 14%; equipped with the exclusive panoramic virtual screen to achieve three large screens smoothly switching; equipped with the intelligent stylus Pro, claiming to restore the real writing experience .

The OnePlus Tablet Pro is equipped with Qualcomm's third-generation Snapdragon 8 chip, supports 2.1K ultra-clear picture quality of Genshin Impact, and supports functions such as communication sharing, NFC one-touch interconnection, video and picture circulation, etc.

OnePlus Tablet Pro with Snapdragon 8 Gen3 Debuts, Starts at

TapTechNews attaches the following prices of each version:
(Converted from Chinese Yuan to US Dollar.)

8GB+128GB $400

8GB+256GB $470

12GB+256GB $510

16GB+512GB $575

The above new products will start pre-sale on June 27th and go on sale in all channels on July 3rd.
