Jingdong Health Adjusts Family Doctor Division Structure

TapTechNews May 29 - There were previous media reports that the Jingdong Family Doctor Division under Jingdong Health was completely dismantled, and the original department head, Tan Tianhong, was transferred to another position, and some employees left, while a small number were transferred internally within the company.

Jingdong Group responded that Jingdong Health did indeed carry out an organizational structure adjustment for its family doctor division, merging the C-side business and functions of the original family doctor division into the Internet Medical Division of Jingdong Health; and the B-side business and functions were merged into the Enterprise Business Division of Jingdong Health.

Jingdong Group also stated that this adjustment does not involve business and staff cuts except for the split of the structure. Jingdong Health said that the purpose of this adjustment is to integrate the company's medical and health service businesses to make more efficient use of medical and health service resources and maximize the service value of professional roles. The company believes that it will further expand the family doctor service product and the synergy between the Internet medical business and the enterprise business; and through the integration of resources and capabilities, it will create a more high-quality experience and a more comprehensive online and offline integrated medical and health service for customers.

TapTechNews found out from publicly available information that Jingdong Family Doctor was launched in August 2020, and the official claim is that it can provide users and families with 7×24-hour health consultations, unlimited specialist consultations, follow-up prescriptions, outpatient appointment in more than 2,700 hospitals, 48-hour online consultation with famous doctors, active follow-up services, collection and archiving of health information, and formulation of health plans and other family doctor services.

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According to people familiar with the matter, Xin Lijun, who was then the CEO of Jingdong Health, had repeatedly stated internally that Jingdong Family Doctor should be built as the first entry of Jingdong Health, similar to the status of Moments in WeChat. However, in the more than 3 years since then, Jingdong Family Doctor has consumed a lot of time and patience of Jingdong Health, and its product positioning has changed many times, but it has never been able to solve the most core sales problem.
