Domestic Oil Price Adjustment No Change This Time

TapTechNews May 29 news, today the National Development and Reform Commission released an announcement that according to the recent changes in international market oil prices and in accordance with the current refined oil price formation mechanism, the domestic gasoline and diesel prices (standard products) will not be adjusted this time. The relevant price linkage and subsidy policies are implemented in accordance with the current regulations.

Domestic Oil Price Adjustment No Change This Time_0

TapTechNews noted that this is also the third time the domestic oil price adjustment has been搁浅 this year, currently being 'five increases, three decreases and three 搁浅s'.

The adjustment range of No. 92 gasoline (US dollars/gallon) Adjusted price (US dollars/gallon) January 3 ↑0.16 2.39January 17 ↓0.04 2.35January 31 ↑0.16 2.37February 19 -- March 4 ↑0.17 2.38March 18 -- April 1 ↑0.2 2.40April 16 ↑0.16 2.42April 29 ↓0.05 2.37May 15 ↓0.18 2.32May 29 --The adjustment range of No. 95 gasoline (US dollars/gallon) Adjusted price (US dollars/gallon) January 3 ↑0.17 2.48January 17 ↓0.04 2.44January 31 ↑0.17 2.46February 19 -- March 4 ↑0.18 2.48March 18 -- April 1 ↑0.2 2.50April 16 ↑0.17 2.52April 29 ↓0.05 2.47May 15 ↓0.19 2.43May 29 --