Until Dawn PS5/PC Version to be Released in Autumn, with New Features

TapTechNews on May 31. Until Dawn (the first generation), an interactive horror game released by Sony in 2015, tells the story of 8 characters who accidentally started a 'horror night' when vacationing in a remote mountain area. Players need to play as any one of the 8 characters, and the choices made during the role-playing will affect the subsequent story development and ultimately determine the ending of all.

And in today's Sony State Of Play 2024 event, Sony announced that the PS5/PC version of this game will be released this autumn, mainly upgrading the game to Unreal Engine 5, and adding a third-person perspective. At the same time, the game's camera work is improved, claiming to be'more cinematic', and composer MarkKorven will also bring new soundtracks to the game.

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According to an earlier report by TapTechNews, Sony is continuing to advance the game adaptation film project, and the company plans to bring Until Dawn to the big screen as well.

Game trailer screenshots:

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Related reading:

Another game adaptation film, sources say Sony plans to bring Until Dawn to the big screen
