Dell Technologies Group Announces Strong Fiscal 2025 Q1 Results with Growth in Revenue and Profit

TapTechNews May 31st news, Dell Technologies Group today announced its fiscal 2025 first quarter financial report. The revenue was 22.2 billion US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 161.172 billion yuan). It increased by 6% year-on-year.

Dell Technologies Group Announces Strong Fiscal 2025 Q1 Results with Growth in Revenue and Profit_0

In terms of key indicators, the group's net profit during the reporting period was 955 million US dollars (currently about 6.933 billion yuan), an increase of 65% year-on-year. The operating profit was 920 million US dollars (currently about 6.679 billion yuan), and the non-GAAP operating profit was 1.5 billion US dollars (currently about 10.89 billion yuan). The operating cash flow was 1 billion US dollars (currently about 7.26 billion yuan). The diluted earnings per share was 1.32 US dollars (currently about 9.5832 yuan), an increase of 67% year-on-year.

Dell Technologies Group returned 1.1 billion US dollars (currently about 7.986 billion yuan) to shareholders through stock buybacks and dividends. At the end of this fiscal quarter, the company's cash and investment balance was 7.3 billion US dollars (currently about 5.2998 billion yuan).

The chief financial officer of Dell Technologies Group, Yvonne McGill, said:

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to drive new growth, we have also demonstrated our strong execution ability and the ability to provide strong cash flow again. In this fiscal quarter, the company's revenue increased by 6% to 22.2 billion US dollars, and the revenue of the server and network business increased by 42%. In the past 12 months, our operating cash flow has reached 7.9 billion US dollars.

Among them, the revenue of the Infrastructure Solutions Group (ISG) in the first fiscal quarter was 9.2 billion US dollars (currently about 6.6792 billion yuan), an increase of 22% year-on-year. The revenue of the server and network business reached a record high of 5.5 billion US dollars, an increase of 42%. The revenue of the storage business was 38 million US dollars, which was the same as that of the same period last year. The operating profit was 7.36 million US dollars.

The revenue of the Client Solutions Group (CSG) in the first fiscal quarter was 120 million US dollars (currently about 8.712 billion yuan), which was the same as that of the same period last year. The revenue of commercial customers was 102 million US dollars, and the revenue of consumer business was 18 million US dollars. The operating profit was 7.32 million US dollars.

Jeff Clarke, the vice chairman and chief operating officer of Dell Technologies Group, said:

No company is more capable than Dell to introduce AI into enterprises. The revenue of our server and network business reached a record high in the first fiscal quarter. The order amount of AI-optimized servers achieved consecutive growth, reaching 2.6 billion US dollars, and the shipment volume increased by more than 100% to 1.7 billion US dollars, and the backlog order volume increased by more than 30% to 3.8 billion US dollars.
