Jietu Automobile Store's 'Borderline' Behavior in Live Stream Draws Attention and Gets Penalized

On May 17th, TapTechNews reported that in a recent live stream of Jietu Automobile's Ningxia Ningda Jierui store, the female anchor was wearing a tight short skirt and knelt down on the second-row seat in the car while explaining and introducing, and her undergarments and chest were captured by the camera. When she leaned forward from the second row to the front row to explain the central armrest, her undergarments and legs were also captured. The recorded screen of this live stream also circulated on the Internet, attracting accusations of 'borderline' behavior.

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Previously, the customer service of Jietu Automobile responded that the manufacturer had noticed this matter, apologized for bringing a bad experience to users, and would strengthen the management and assessment of personnel in the future, and 'there will definitely be corresponding penalties'.

Today, 'Douyin Blackboard' released the second phase of the governance announcement for severely punishing the 'borderline' marketing problem in the automotive industry. According to the announcement, Douyin Live has continuously carried out comprehensive rectification for the 'borderline' marketing problem in the automotive industry. From April 2024 to now, a total of 2,632 violating accounts have been punished, and the live streaming rights of 582 accounts with serious violations have been recovered, among which 24 accounts have been banned indefinitely. According to the public announcement of some punished users, the Douyin account of 'Jietu Automobile - Ningxia Ningda Jierui Store', which was questioned for 'borderline' marketing a few days ago, has been banned indefinitely.

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TapTechNews noticed that as early as 2022, Douyin had released the 'Governance Announcement for Severely Punishing the 'Borderline' Marketing Problem in the Automotive Industry'. The announcement pointed out that recently some automotive sales anchors used the gimmick of 'luxury cars and beautiful women' to play vulgar and borderline balls in the live stream to attract traffic, seriously damaging the health of the automotive live streaming ecosystem, and Douyin Live has carried out comprehensive rectification.

In addition, today the 'WeChat Coral Safety' public account also released the 'Announcement on Cracking Down on Vulgar and Borderline Marketing Behaviors in the Automotive Industry', stating that recently through daily inspections and user complaints, it was found that individual anchors, when introducing automotive-related information and releasing automotive industry marketing content in the live stream, used vulgar and borderline behaviors to attract attention and attract traffic. This behavior has damaged the healthy ecosystem of the platform and also had a negative impact on the user experience. For anchors with violating behaviors, the platform will carry out strict penalties, including but not limited to warning reminders, restricting traffic, cutting off live streaming, banning, and deducting credit points, etc.
