Honor Magic6 Series Receives Update with New AI Erasing Function and More

TapTechNews, June 28th. Honor Magic6 series phones have recently received a system update of MagicOS (SP8C00E150R110P3) version, and the system update package is about 103MB in size, with a newly added cloud-based large model AI erasing function.

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TapTechNews attached the following update contents:


Improve the usage experience of the erasing function in picture editing.

YOYO Suggest

Fix the problem of incomplete display of numbers on the desktop weather clock card after setting some third-party themes and special fonts.

Thermal Experience

Optimize the thermal experience in some scenarios.


Improve the system stability to make your phone run more steadily.

It is reported that the erasing pen function of the new version has been upgraded and renamed as AI erasing, supporting a better erasing effect. It should be noted that the current AI erasing function depends on the generating ability of the cloud-based large model and needs to maintain an online state and cannot be used without the network.

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Honor club staff said that Honor Magic5 series phones are currently testing the stability of functions and will be updated in subsequent versions.

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According to some users' feedback, after the Honor Magic6 series phones update to this version, the system parameters will also be simultaneously upgraded, and newly added to support the HiCar connection function of the Honor CarLink. Users can directly connect the Honor CarLink service on the car machine that supports the HiCar function later.

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In addition, Honor YOYO Suggest has also been updated recently. The dynamic capsule function newly adds support for Meituan and Baidu Navigation, and users can achieve an islanding effect in the takeaway and cycling scenarios. The application support versions are as follows:

Meituan: 12.21.405 and above

Meituan Waimai: 8.28.3 and above

Baidu Maps: and subsequent versions

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