China Releases First Online Game Consumption Management Standard for Minors

TapTechNews May 28th, it is reported that today the Internet Society of China released the Requirements for the Management of Minor's Online Game Service Consumption (Draft for Comment) group standard. This standard is the first complete consumption management specification in the game industry, which can be used to resolve disputes over the refund of minors' game consumption, and can also provide a reference for relevant administrative departments and judicial organs.

According to the respective circumstances of fault, this standard clearly divides the liability ratio of responsible parties such as online game service providers and guardians. If the online game service provider has legally configured anti-addiction measures, and the guardian helps minors bypass the anti-addiction restrictions, or the guardian fails to fully perform the guardianship duty, according to the effectiveness of the anti-addiction measures and other situations, it is recommended that the fault party bear a liability ratio of 30%-70%, and if the fault behavior is repeated many times, it may bear full liability.

TapTechNews attaches the main content of the draft for comment as follows:
