Microsoft to Add Copilot to Screenshot Function in Edge Browser

TapTechNews, June 20th. WindowsLatest, a tech media, reported today that in the latest version of the MicrosoftEdge browser in the Canary channel, Microsoft has begun to explore adding Copilot to the screenshot function.

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The media discovered a new experimental feature named msEdgeWebCaptureAskCopilotMenu, but after enabling it, it has not taken effect yet. Judging from the name, it should be that after Edge takes a screenshot, Copilot can be invoked to provide picture-related information.

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TapTechNews quoted the media report, and Microsoft estimates that there will be two implementation methods:

Adding an AskCopilot option after screenshotting pops up a window

After users complete screenshotting, there is currently an image editing tool, and an AskCopilot option can be added to allow users to click and chat with the AI.

Sending the screenshot to Copilot in the sidebar after screenshotting

Users can currently understand more details by web-searching the captured screenshot, and this way can use the latest GPT model to interpret the screenshot.
