PS5 Becomes Sony's Most Profitable Console Generation

According to TapTechNews on May 30, Sony PlayStation disclosed new information about its game console business during a recent business strategy discussion. The gaming giant confirmed that the PS5 has become its most profitable console generation so far.

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Based on the data released by Sony, since the PS5 went on the market four years ago, its operating profit has reached 10 billion US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 72.6 billion Chinese yuan), exceeding the 9 billion US dollars created by the PS4 from 2013 to 2019. In contrast, the operating profit of the PS1 is 3 billion US dollars, the PS2 is only 2 billion US dollars, and the PS3 even suffered a loss of 4 billion US dollars. The sales revenue of the PS5 has also been rising steadily and has caught up with the PS4 level in a shorter time.

Although the user bases of the PS4 and PS5 are almost equal (half each), by Sony's own standards, this generation of consoles has become its most successful one. In addition, although the user bases are close, players spend significantly more time on the PS5. The PS5 has sold more than 50 million units so far, and sales are expected to increase further this year.

Before leaving office, former CEO Jim Ryan had predicted that the PS5 generation would become the most profitable console generation for Sony. Now it seems that the prediction of this former CEO has come true.
