Global AI Chip Revenue Prediction and Trends

TapTechNews May 30th news, market research firm Gartner believes that the global AI chip revenue will reach 71.252 billion US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 517.29 billion yuan) in 2024, an increase of 33% year-on-year.

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2024 will be the most prominent year for AI chip revenue growth. The growth rate in the next few years will decline, but it will still continue to maintain a double-digit growth percentage.

In 2025, the global AI chip revenue is expected to reach 91.955 billion US dollars (currently about 667.593 billion yuan), an increase of about 29% on the basis of this year.

When broken down, the AI chip revenue from the computing electronics field will reach 33.4 billion US dollars this year, accounting for 47% of the total.

The AI chip revenue from the automotive field is expected to reach 7.1 billion US dollars, while the related revenue in the consumer electronics field will be 1.8 billion US dollars.

Specifically to the category, generative AI is boosting the demand for high-performance AI chips in data centers. The market size of server AI accelerators has reached 21 billion US dollars (currently about 152.46 billion yuan) this year, and is expected to increase to 33 billion US dollars by 2028.

Analyst Alan Priestley expects that as the AI market shifts from development to deployment, the trend of large technology companies self-developing AI computing power chips will continue.

The choice of custom chips by tech giants can improve the operational efficiency of AI business and reduce the cost of providing AI services to customers.

The report also believes that this year, AIPC with NPU will account for 22% of the overall PC shipments, and by 2026, enterprises will completely eliminate non-AIPC in commercial procurement.
