Apple Announces New Updates and Xcode16 with SwiftAssist at WWDC24

TapTechNews, June 12th. At Apple's WWDC24 Developer Conference, Apple released the latest version system updates such as iOS18 and macOS 15 Sequoia.

At the same time, Apple launched the first Beta version of the Xcode16 development tool. The biggest improvement of this version is the introduction of the SwiftAssist programming assistant, which can help developers correct errors in the code / automatically predict and complete the code.

Apple Announces New Updates and Xcode16 with SwiftAssist at WWDC24_0

The update log on Apple's official website shows that this AI code completion function is supported by a machine learning model specifically trained for Swift and the Apple SDK. This function also has hardware limitations. It requires an Apple chip and 16GB unified memory, and the Mac running macOS15.

Apple Announces New Updates and Xcode16 with SwiftAssist at WWDC24_1

That is to say, the entry-level 8GB memory MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, and Mac mini cannot use the AI code completion function, and TapTechNews friends who carry out related development work need to pay attention to the model selection.

It is worth mentioning that Bob Borchers, Apple's vice president of global product marketing, once responded to the entry-level MacBook Pro only has 8GB of memory. He said that Apple's MacBook Pro adopts a unified memory architecture, so its memory is not completely the same as that of other systems. Because Apple has a higher memory utilization rate and Apple's memory compression technology, the 8GB memory in Apple's M3 MacBook Pro is close to the performance of 16GB in other systems, so one cannot only look at the paper parameters, but should pay attention to the actual experience.
