China Releases Notice on Strengthening Carbon Neutrality Standard System

TapTechNews August 8th news, TapTechNews learned from the website of the National Development and Reform Commission that today the National Development and Reform Commission, the State Market Regulatory Administration, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment jointly released the 'Notice on the Action Plan for Further Strengthening the Construction of the Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Standard Measurement System (2024 - 2025)', mentioning strengthening the construction of product carbon footprint and carbon label standards.

The 'Notice' mentioned that a national standard for the quantification requirements of product carbon footprints was released, unifying requirements such as the carbon footprint accounting principles, accounting methods, and data quality for specific products. Accelerate the development of national standards for the carbon footprints of new energy vehicles, photovoltaics, lithium batteries and other products to serve the new advantages of foreign trade exports. Conduct the research and development of carbon footprint standards for key products such as electronic appliances, plastics, and building materials.

The 'Notice' mentioned that formulate recycling and dismantling standards for automobiles, electronic products, household appliances, etc., and study and formulate relevant standards for the recycling and utilization of agricultural machinery parts. Carry out the research and development of standards for the recycling and utilization of retired photovoltaic equipment, wind power equipment, and power batteries, increase the supply of green design standards for new energy product equipment, and accelerate the research and development of recycled plastics and recycled metals standards. In accordance with the requirements of the 'General Rules of the Clean Production Evaluation Index System', develop a series of national standards for the clean production evaluation of key industries such as steel, chemical industry, and building materials.
