Corsair to Switch to CybeneticsLabs Certification for Power Supplies

TapTechNews August 8th news, one of the important retail power supply suppliers, Corsair, a US merchant, announced yesterday local time that its power supply products will fully switch to the certification system under CybeneticsLabs in the future and will no longer provide 80PLUS certification.

Corsair believes that the ETA conversion efficiency test of Cybenetics is more detailed than 80PLUS, and it has more than a thousand kinds of load combinations that are far richer than 80PLUS (TapTechNews note: there are only a single-digit number of measurement points for 80PLUS), which can more accurately reflect the performance of the power supply in actual use.

In addition, the Cybenetics energy efficiency rating system includes the highest level Diamond that requires the power supply to achieve a 93% conversion efficiency at the rated power, which is more stringent than the highest Titanium (titanium level) of 80PLUS, putting forward higher requirements for the future top power supplies.

Moreover, the Cybenetics certification system not only includes the certification in terms of conversion efficiency, but also includes the LAMBDA noise certification. Cybenetics divides the power supply into grades from the almost silent A++ to the noisy F according to the acoustic performance, and this evaluation is very important for users considering building a silent PC.

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Corsair's all power supplies released in recent years have both 80PLUS and Cybenetics certifications, and future products will only provide Cybenetics energy efficiency and noise ratings.
