Blizzard and NetEase Reconcile, Chinese Mainland Server Reopens for Login

TapTechNews June 5th news, after the reconciliation of Blizzard and NetEase, many players are expecting the news of the return of the Chinese mainland server. Today, some netizens found that the Blizzard Chinese mainland server has reopened for login, indicating that the account system has been restored and the return is coming soon.

TapTechNews tested that the Blizzard Chinese mainland server login address is, and players can directly log in to their existing accounts. If they forget their passwords, they can also recover their passwords on this page or create new accounts.

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After logging in, you can see the historical transaction data in the account to confirm that the player data is retained, such as a receipt record of mine in 2017 at the earliest. However, there is a server error prompt on the website, showing We are temporarily unable to obtain some of your information, please try again in a few minutes.

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In May this year, many players received text messages/emails from the Blizzard Game Customer Service Team, which contained the words Your account password has been modified. Due to the related events occurring in the dead of night, many players mistakenly thought their accounts were hacked.

Then Blizzard officially released an announcement stating that the staff accidentally triggered some text messages/emails related to password modification during the process of restoring the service, thus affecting some players who had password recovery or modification before, which does not mean that the user's account is at risk.

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The Chinese mainland server of World of Warcraft previously announced that on June 6 at 10 am, the official will share more latest news about the return of World of Warcraft with the players.

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The official of World of Warcraft disclosed that from June 3rd to 5th, the official website will be maintained and further connected to the function. Subsequently, the official will carry out a technical test based on Wrath of the Lich King, which will be an important step before the opening of Wrath of the Lich King, and then the services of the怀旧服 and the regular server will be restarted in sequence.
