Zhejiang Police Successfully use drone to rescue trapped mountaineer

TapTechNews June 3rd news, according to the official WeChat account of "Zhejiang Activity", recently, the police in Longwan, Wenzhou, Zhejiang used a drone to search and rescue a mountaineer who was trapped on a cliff for 3 days and 2 nights.

It is introduced that Mr. Zheng, a mountaineering enthusiast in Longwan, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, went to explore the "Daluo Mountain" near his home on the morning of May 22nd and then his whereabouts were unknown. On the afternoon of the next day, his cousin, Ms. Pan, rushed to the Yongzhong Police Station of the Longwan District Public Security Bureau to report the case. After that, the police started the search, but due to the bad weather and the rugged terrain, they didn't find him on that day.

That night, the police and the rescue team, according to the chat records between Mr. Zheng and his family before and the situation of the previously searched mountain area, confirmed the possible travel route of Mr. Zheng after he got lost, and used the police drone to search. At more than 10 a.m. on May 24th, they found Mr. Zheng who was trapped on a cliff in the thick fog near the top of Daluo Mountain. After that, the special police rescue team climbed down the cliff wall to the position of the trapped person and successfully rescued Mr. Zheng together with the rescue team members. The person was almost exhausted when he was rescued.

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The police said that in this operation, the drone played a significant role, which can link the ground forces to achieve the "air-ground three-dimensional" coordinated combat mode, thus crossing the terrain restrictions and helping the rescue personnel to quickly formulate a search and rescue plan and save the life of the mountaineer.

And the vast number of mountaineering enthusiasts should also abide by the regulations and walking routes of the scenic area when playing, and climb the mountain for exercise under the condition of ensuring personal safety. In case of extreme weather, please travel carefully and do not blindly enter the mountain. In case of emergency, please call 110 promptly.
