Minecraft's 15th Anniversary Mojang Launches Free Museum Map

TapTechNews May 21st news, to celebrate the 15th anniversary (from May 14th, 2009 to now) of Minecraft, Mojang has carried out a series of activities. According to the official website news release, Mojang announced yesterday that it will join hands with OrevilleStudios map studio to launch a free museum commemorative map for the Bedrock Edition. The relevant map has been launched in the in-game Bedrock Edition built-in store (no Java Edition). TapTechNews attaches the map link as follows: click here to access

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It is introduced that players can participate in various mini-games in the map to 'find the lost memory fragments', and can also explore rich historical exhibits to get a glimpse of the wonderful evolution process of Minecraft from its birth to today. The museum is not only beautifully designed but also incorporates many thrilling elements, making the entire exploration process full of fun and challenges.

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It is worth mentioning that this museum also has a 'direct drop' challenge to test which player can reach the treasure vault first. In addition, there is also a level that tests the player's puzzle-solving ability and can unlock the 'initial alpha version' of the game (actually a map area with limited functions).

Map gallery:

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