Next Generation Apple iPhone SE Expected to Release with Price Adjustment

TapTechNews May 21st news, the new generation of Apple iPhone SE is expected to be released sometime next year and will be a'major version update' compared to the current model.

For this series of models, the relatively lower price compared to other iPhones has always been one of its main selling points. According to @Revegnus1, Apple plans to adjust the price of the new generation of iPhone SE.

He said that the next-generation iPhone SE price in the US may be about 10% higher than the current $429 (TapTechNews note: currently about 3102 Chinese yuan) iPhone SE3 (64GB version), that is, about $469 (currently about 3391 Chinese yuan).

He also mentioned that even if the new iPhone SE increases in price, the price can still be controlled below $500 (currently about 3615 Chinese yuan). In addition, due to exchange rate issues, the pricing of the new iPhone SE in other regions may also be affected.

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According to Apple's practice, when it conducts a'major redesign' for a certain generation of products, it is often accompanied by an increase in price, such as the fourth-generation iPad Air with a brand-new design, the tenth-generation iPad, etc., and also the iPhone X that has a significant price increase compared to the iPhone 8.
