Google Releases Android 15 Beta2.1 Update for Some Pixel Phones

TapTechNews May 21st news, Google today launched Android 15 Beta2.1 update (AP31.240426.023) for some Pixel phones. This update solves the problem that the desktop main screen icons may be lost when users create a Private Space in the device for the first time.

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According to the introduction, Google first introduced this function in Android 14 QPR2. This function allows users to set a new Private Space profile in the system. Users can open the Private Space through a specific password (that is, it is equivalent to creating a sub-account on the phone) and install some privacy apps in it. When switching back to the normal mode, the related apps will be hidden.

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TapTechNews learned that the Android 15 Beta2.1 update will be automatically pushed to the devices registered in the Beta program, including Pixel 8a, Pixel 8, Pixel 8Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel 7Pro, Pixel 7, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6Pro, Pixel 6Pro, Pixel 6, Pixel Fold and Pixel Tablet. In addition, Android 15 test devices running Android 14 QPR3 or earlier versions will also receive the update later.
