SoftBank's Masayoshi Son Plans for 'Super AI' Era

TapTechNews June 21, according to Bloomberg, Masayoshi Son, the founder of SoftBank Group, told shareholders at the annual general meeting today that he plans to create an era of super artificial intelligence.

Masayoshi Son this time depicted the ambition to create an artificial intelligence that is thousands of times smarter than humans. He said that Arm's chips will support an ecosystem composed of robots and powerful data centers, which can jointly treat cancer, clean the house, and play with children.

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Masayoshi Son showed several emotional outbursts at today's meeting and directly said he wants to change the world before leaving the world forever. He talked about his old friend Steve Jobs. When I realize that my legacy is really pale in comparison with that of Jobs, I often break into tears.

Realizing super artificial intelligence is what I want to do, Masayoshi Son said, but did not elaborate on possible plans next. Everyone wait and see, I will achieve it.

Integrating TapTechNews' previous reports, SoftBank plans to invest 9 billion US dollars (currently about 65.499 billion yuan) in AI projects in May this year, aiming to accelerate its most thorough transformation process to date. Masayoshi Son believes that artificial intelligence will be the source of future growth, and he is trying to reshape SoftBank and its risk-taking Vision Funds in order to continue to play a role in what he considers the next stage of humanity.

Masayoshi Son said last October that he believes that general artificial intelligence (AGI) will be achieved within 10 years. He believes that generative artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT is developing rapidly, and AGI is believed to be 10 times smarter in the future than the sum of all human wisdom.
