French AI Startup MistralAI Releases Codestral, a Programming-Focused LLM

TapTechNews on May 30th reported that the French AI startup MistralAI today released Codestral, which is the company's first large language model (LLM) specifically designed for programming.

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Codestral can be proficient in more than 80 programming languages, including Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, Bash, Swift, and even Fortran which was introduced in 1957.

Similar to other programming LLM, Codestral can assist developers in completing various functions, including completing functions, writing tests, filling in code, etc., reducing the risk of errors and vulnerabilities in the code.

MistralAI also compared Codestral 22B with CodeLlama 70B, DeepSeekCoder 33B and Llama370B through charts, indicating that although Codestral has only 22 billion parameters, the context length reaches 32,000 tokens. According to several benchmark tests performed, its performance in Python, SQL and other languages is generally better.

In the SQLspider benchmark test, the score rate of Llama370B is 67.1%, and Codestral 22B is 63.5%; in the MBPP Python benchmark test, the score rate of DeepSeekCode 3B is 80.2%, and Codestral 22B is 78.2%. TapTechNews attaches the relevant test results as follows:

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