Apple's New Technology for iPhone Battery Replacement

TapTechNews June 28th news, on Thursday local time, according to TheInformation report, Apple is studying the use of a new 'strong>electrically-induced adhesive detachment 'echnology to make it easier to replace batteries for iPhone models, which is Apple's response as the EU legislation approaches.

TapTechNews note: Currently, to replace the iPhone battery, tweezers are needed to take out the battery fixed by glue, and then a special machine and tray are used to press the new battery into place.

The report disclosed some details of this technology: The battery will be covered with metal instead of the previous foil, and people can remove the battery by applying a little bit of charge. But still, the sealing glue and screws of the iPhone screen make it difficult to disassemble the iPhone.

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The report said that if Apple's new technology is 'on schedule' to be gradually launched, then the technology will debut on at least one iPhone 16 model this year and will be extended to all versions of iPhone 17 next year.

The EU legislation may require Apple to enable users to replace iPhone batteries by themselves by 2025, but in the end there may be some 'exceptional cases' to determine whether Apple is affected by this rule.

According to TapTechNews' previous report, the white paper released by Apple on the 26th shows that later this year, battery health data (mainly the maximum capacity and cycle count) will be compatible with third-party batteries:

Currently, devices using third-party batteries cannot show battery health data to users, such as the maximum capacity and cycle count. This is because Apple cannot verify the accuracy of these data. In fact, an internal analysis by Apple found that some third-party batteries labeled as new are actually refurbished, and the battery health data are tampered with to look like new.

In order to improve the support for third-party batteries, starting from later this year, Apple will display battery health data, and will remind that this information has not been verified by Apple.

Apple stated that the iPhone will 'better support third-party displays and batteries' later in 2024.
