Apple Releases Newly Upgraded Siri with Advanced Features

TapTechNews June 11 news, Apple today released a newly upgraded Siri voice assistant, promising to bring a more natural and smooth interactive experience and stronger practicality. Thanks to the AppleIntelligence generative AI model, the new Siri will be even more powerful.

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The most intuitive change is reflected in the brand-new human-computer interaction interface (UI). There will be a soft glow around the device frame, and the response to the user's instructions will be presented in the form of content-rich cards. Apple said that the new Siri will be gradually pushed to all users within the next year.

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In terms of function upgrade, the new Siri will pay more attention to understanding the context of the conversation and avoid users repeating information in subsequent instructions. Apple claims that the new Siri will be able to understand and discover unprecedented content. For example, when users are browsing the web, Siri can understand the current content and provide relevant suggestions.

Also, Siri also supports direct input of instructions.

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At the same time, Siri will also have the screen-awareness function, which can understand what the user is browsing and provide operation suggestions for relevant apps. For example, when you need to enter the driver's license number when filling out a form, Siri can automatically find your electronic driver's license and extract the relevant number to help you complete the form filling.

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In addition, the addition of the App instruction function allows Siri to interact more deeply with Apple's own and third-party apps. Apple demonstrated on the spot that asking the Photos app to edit the picture that the user is browsing, Siri can directly complete the operation on behalf of.

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Also, the new Siri will also have a richer product knowledge base, which can help users solve device usage problems. For example, when a user asks How to write a message now and set a delay to send?, Siri can directly provide the usage guide of the timed sending function newly added in the iOS18 Messages app.

Apple emphasized that the new functions will be launched in stages, and more powerful functions will also be gradually added to Siri within the life cycle of iOS18.

TapTechNews will bring more reports.

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