Paramount+ Announces Price Hike and Updates

TapTechNews June 25th news, Paramount announces price hike of streaming subscription service Paramount+, effective for new users starting from August 20th and for existing users in the new bill starting from September 20th.

Paramont+ Essenial Basic Membership: increase by $2, from $5.99 per month to $7.99 per month (TapTechNews note: approximately 58 RMB currently)

Paramont+ with SHOWTIME: increase by $1, from $11.99 per month to $12.99 per month (approximately 95 RMB currently)

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Paramont+ Essenial Basic Membership includes more than 40,000 movies and TV series, still with ads, and the annual fee remains at $59.99 (approximately 437 RMB currently) unchanged.

Paramont+ with SHOWTIME membership can watch more than 40,000 movies and TV series ad-free, as well as local CBS live service and SHOWTIME programs, and the annual fee remains at $119.99 (approximately 875 RMB currently) unchanged.

According to the introduction, in the first quarter of 2024, with the help of CBS's live broadcast of the Super Bowl on the streaming platform, Paramount+'s net user number increased by 3.7 million, with a total of over 71 million, but the platform is still losing money. It is expected that the streaming media business will achieve profitability in the US by the end of 2025.
