GAC Aion to Launch Plug-in Hybrid and Extended-Range Models

TapTechNews June 8th news. According to the car media 'New Travel' reported on Friday, Gu Huinan, general manager of GAC Aion, said that Aion will launch plug-in hybrid and extended-range models according to market changes.

TapTechNews note: Currently, all the product matrices under Aion are pure electric models, including Aion Y, Aion S, Aion V and Aion LX.

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In addition, the second-generation Aion V has landed on the list of applications declared by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the new car will be officially launched in July. The car is built on the 400V platform, with a maximum cruising range of 466 miles (750 kilometers), and can replenish a cruising range of 230 miles (370 kilometers) with 15 minutes of charging. Its length, width and height are 180.1 / 72.6 (73.4) / 65.4 (66.4) inches respectively, and the wheelbase is 109.3 inches.

According to the official introduction, the second-generation Aion V is equipped with Orin-X chip, high-thread lidar, 5 millimeter-wave radars, and 11 vision cameras, which can provide intelligent driving assistance functions that do not rely on high-precision maps.

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Recently, many car companies that previously focused on pure electric categories have either confirmed the launch of extended-range models or spread the news of planning to release extended-range models. Earlier this month, some media said that the first extended-range model of Zhiji will be an SUV model, and the new car is planned to be released in the first quarter of next year and will be benchmarked against Li Auto L7.

Another company that focuses on the pure electric category - XPeng Motors, responded to the recent rumors of 'will launch an extended-range model': The extended-range solution is adopted in the field of flying cars.

The new car that Avita will launch in the third quarter - Avita 07, also declared both pure electric and extended-range models last month, equipped with a 1.5-liter engine with a peak power of 115 kW + 131/231 kW dual motors (or 231 kW single motor) and lithium iron phosphate battery.

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