Common College Entrance Examination Online Rumors Announced

According to TapTechNews on June 9th, the annual college entrance examination season kicked off on June 7th. On this occasion, the Cyberspace Administration of the Ministry of Public Security announced common college entrance examination online rumors, reminding parents and examinees to beware of being deceived.

TapTechNews has sorted them out as follows:

Purchasing college entrance examination questions and answers at a high price

The college entrance examination questions belong to the top-secret level of the state, and there are strict confidentiality management measures. The so-called top-secret answers and other college entrance examination questions information released online are all fraud means. In the national college entrance examination, in order to carry out cheating behavior in the examination, it is illegal to sell or provide relevant examination questions and answers to others. The majority of examinees and parents should not have a fluke mentality and break the law.

Looking for a examinee who lost their admission ticket

During the college entrance examination, the information of a certain examinee's admission ticket is lost, ask for a forward to help the examinee often circulates online. In previous cases, after verification and verification by the relevant departments, the examinee didn't lose their certificate at all. Most of the information is a fraud phone number. Once dialed, you may fall into a fee-absorbing trap. When encountering such information, it is recommended to contact the police or the examination center school where the examinee is located.

Querying college entrance examination scores in advance

Fraudsters send such false advertising links through WeChat groups, mobile text messages, etc. The links require filling in information such as ID card and admission ticket and paying a query fee. Once deceived, there will be property losses and personal information will be disclosed. Provincial educational examination institutions will uniformly announce the scores of examinees at the specified time node, and there is no situation of querying scores in advance.

Using internal data to analyze college entrance examination volunteers and charge high fees

Illegal intermediaries or websites claim to have internal data to accurately position colleges and pretend to be 100% guaranteed in the name of college entrance examination volunteer filling experts to charge high fees. Examinees should comprehensively refer to the official information provided by educational examination institutions and the middle schools and relevant colleges where they are located, and fill in volunteers independently and reasonably, and do not believe the internal news.

Mastering internal indicators and flexible plans of college admissions

There is a strict process for college admissions. The college admissions plan is uniformly announced to the society by the provincial admissions examination institution. Examinees and parents should understand the admissions policy and information from the official regular channels, and do not believe the persuasion.

Some colleges and universities can buy make-up admission places and admit with low scores

In college admissions, there is a strict and standardized admission procedure and supervision mechanism. The uncompleted admissions plan in the admissions province must be admitted through publicly soliciting volunteers. Regular admissions will not generate any additional fees. The so-called paid make-up admission cannot be believed at all.
