Apple Obtains New Patent for Password Unlock Feature

TapTechNews June 28th news, according to the latest list publicly disclosed by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Apple has obtained a new patent. Users only need to take a glance at the password lock to see the relevant unlocked digital password.

According to the patent description, when users take out their iPhones, iPads, or VisionPro headsets and aim the camera at bike locks, door passwords, safes and other items, the correct password and unlock instructions will automatically appear on the screen.

TapTechNews attached an example description in the patent of Apple. When users take out their iPhones and aim at the bike lock, then the iPhone based on the "eye tracking" function named in iOS 18 will automatically detect the bicycle and verify whether there is a lock and other items in the picture, and display the unlock password and the correct steps to turn the dial after detecting the lock.

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The patent also involves the VisionPro headset. By invoking the camera, microphone, and other sensors, it can capture real-world input information in real-time and can actively display the unlock password and unlock steps following the user's gaze.

In another example, a user wearing a VisionPro headset approaches a door with a smart lock. As long as the gaze is fixed on the door lock, the correct password and unlock steps will be displayed in the picture.

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VIA: AppleInsider
