Apple's 2024 iPadPro Nano-Textured Display Glass Model Review

TapTechNews June 28th news, at Apple's Let's Fly event held in May this year, the 2024 iPadPro was released, and the starting price for the Chinese version is 8999 yuan. In addition to the standard screen, a nano-textured display glass model is also provided (optional for 1TB/2TB models), with a price difference of $115 (approx.).

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So is it necessary for consumers to spend $115 to upgrade to the nano-textured display glass model? Tech media MacRumors released a video yesterday (June 27th) sharing their feelings after using it for one month.

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The nano-textured glass was originally launched on the ProDisplayXDR. It uses a nano-scale etching process and is designed to maintain image quality while scattering ambient light to reduce glare.

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The media said that although the nano-textured glass can reduce glare well, but it does affect the contrast and sharpness of the display screen, and if consumers need to reduce glare in certain usage scenarios, then they can choose to purchase.

In terms of care, it also needs attention. Apple recommends that only the polishing cloth included in the packaging be used for cleaning, and says that using other cleaning cloths may cause damage. TapTechNews attaches the full video as follows:

The media believes that given the nano-textured glass in the actual usage scenario and the special care required by users, it is not suitable for all users, mainly for customer groups who are more sensitive to glare.
