Fallout 76 Player Count Surpasses 20 Million

TapTechNews May 31 news, Bethesda today through the official account, announced that the number of players of Fallout 76 has exceeded 20 million.

Fallout 76 Player Count Surpasses 20 Million_0

TapTechNews briefly reviews this game: The Fallout 76 game was released in 2018. At the beginning of its release, the comprehensive evaluation of this game by players and critics was mixed.

As of December 2023, Fallout 76 has attracted a total of 17 million players, and then the number of players and overall sales of the game were increased due to the broadcast of the Fallout TV series on Amazon PrimeVideo.

Todd Howard, the director and executive producer of Bethesda, said in an interview with Variety:

The number of daily active players of the Fallout series has increased by 4-6 times, which I have never seen in 30 years of my career.

For a game that has been released for many years, it can still attract so many players to participate in the game, and many of them are new players who have never played the game or our game before. This is a very meaningful thing for us.

In the interview, Howard said that we are planning the future development of this series of games, but did not provide more details.
