Jingxiong Expressway (Hebei) Starts Autonomous Driving Test Project

TapTechNews May 30th news, TapTechNews learned from the official public WeChat account of Hebei Expressway that the autonomous driving test demonstration project of Jingxiong Expressway (Hebei) started in Xiong'an New Area, Hebei on May 29th.

The Jingxiong Expressway was opened to traffic on December 28th, 2023 and is an important passage connecting Beijing and Xiong'an New Area. Starting from the southwest Fifth Ring Road in Beijing, it only takes less than 1 hour to reach Xiong'an New Area directly. As a demonstrative "intelligent highway" in China, the Jingxiong Expressway realizes full coverage of 5G private network across the whole line.

At present, a total of 67 miles of autonomous driving dedicated lanes have been planned on the main line of the Jingxiong Expressway, and supporting intelligent perception and communication equipment have been deployed to realize the whole-process supervision and control of the expressway, and it already has the basis for carrying out autonomous driving tests.

Zhang Hongjun, the chief engineer of Hebei Expressway Group Co., Ltd. said, "We expect that the launch of this project can not only support the field tests of autonomous driving on expressways, but also further explore new operation and management models of expressways under the加持 of autonomous driving technology."

Professor and doctoral supervisor Yao Danya from the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University said that the project will include three parts:

The first part is scientific demonstration and overall planning;

The second part focuses on improving road safety facilities;

The third part will select autonomous driving test vehicles at different levels to carry out exemplary tests and demonstrations.
