Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, National Natural Science Foundation of China Establish Joint Fund for Large Aircraft

TapTechNews June 14. Today, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Natural Science Foundation of China signed a cooperation agreement to jointly establish the Joint Fund for Basic Research on Large Aircraft.

Jin Zhuanglong, secretary of the Party group and minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Dou Xiankang, secretary of the Party group and director of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Xin Guobin, member of the Party group and vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Wang Xiqin, member of the Party group and deputy director of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, attended the event.

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Jin Zhuanglong said that strengthening basic research is an important measure to support the long-term development of China's large aircraft. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of the new national system for concentrating efforts on key undertakings, further improve the coordinated working mechanism, closely combine the needs of large aircraft development, condense a number of key scientific issues in basic research, attract and gather outstanding talents across the country to participate in the research, and strive to achieve major breakthroughs in forward-looking basic research and leading original achievements. It is necessary to strengthen the coordination of industry, education and research, unclog the industrial technology chain from basic theory to technical verification to product application, and consolidate the foundation for the long-term development of large aircraft. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the talent team for large aircraft, train talents relying on projects, develop projects relying on talents, discover and cultivate a number of basic and innovative top talents in the field of large aircraft, and continuously expand the talent team for large aircraft.

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Dou Xiankang pointed out that in recent years, China's large aircraft industry has made remarkable progress in technological innovation and independent R & D capabilities. The establishment of this Joint Fund for Basic Research on Large Aircraft is an important measure for the two departments to deeply strengthen cooperation in the field of basic research and further promote the development of the large aircraft industry. We will take the Joint Fund for Basic Research on Large Aircraft as the source point of scientific and technological innovation, widely attract and mobilize the scientific and technological resources and innovative talents of the whole society to jointly participate in the research, and promote the construction of China's high-level independent innovation system for large aircraft.

The Joint Fund for Basic Research on Large Aircraft is jointly funded by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, focusing on the major national strategic needs in the field of large aircraft, and supporting the conduct of basic, forward-looking and innovative research around the long-term development needs of safety, reliability, greenness, environmental protection, intelligence, high efficiency, economy and convenience of large aircraft.

According to TapTechNews statistics and summary, at present, China's domestic C919 large aircraft has opened four commercial regular routes, and China Eastern Airlines has also received the sixth C919.

Previously, it was reported that Comac has begun to develop the C939, which is a new wide-body jet aircraft and is expected to compete with Boeing and Airbus.

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Another wide-body aircraft C929 being developed by Comac is designed to fly up to 12,000 kilometers (7,500 miles) and can be used for international routes. The joint research and development kick-off meeting of the C929 project was held at Comac on April 15. The participating experts were divided into six thematic groups including overall aerodynamics, airframe structure, composite structure, avionics and electrical, mechanical systems, and propulsion systems, and carried out discussions for a week.
