DC Announces 'Watchmen' CG Animated Film Split into Two Chapters

TapTechNews 6 月 14 日消息,DC 在昂纳西动画节上宣布其漫画名作《守望者》改编的同名 CG 动画电影分为上下两章,第一章将在年内上映,第二章预计 2025 年上映,首支先导预告片现已公开。


DC Announces Watchmen' CG Animated Film Split into Two Chapters_0

《守望者》是部十二集的限期系列(limited series)漫画书,创作者为编剧阿兰・摩尔(Alan Moore),画家戴夫・吉本斯(Dave Gibbons),以及上色画家约翰・希金斯(John Higgins)。该系列漫画由 DC 漫画公司自 1986 至 1987 年单期出版,并在后来数度发行结集成独册的单行本。

后来,华纳兄弟、派拉蒙联合扎克・施奈德导演于 2009 年推出了一部《守望者》电影,影片上映后全球票房虽然只有 185 million US dollars (TapTechNews note: Currently about 1.343 billion RMB) but had excellent reputation and won 6 awards including Best Fantasy Film, Best Director, Best Screenwriter, Best Costume, Best Supporting Actress and Best Special Effects at the 36th Saturn Awards.

The background of this film is set in 1985. At that time, superheroes gradually disappeared due to being restricted and suppressed by the government. Until one of them was suddenly murdered, the retired superheroes gathered again and launched an investigation into this murder case. However, the investigation showed that all this was just the beginning, and there was a bigger conspiracy behind this murder case.

As Nolan said, this ahead-of-time movie continues to have its influence, and even passers-by are amazed until now. The first reaction is the movie adaptation of Watchmen back then. Coupled with the already excellent original work, this animated film seems quite attractive.
