China's Future Space Missions Tianwen-2, 3, and 4

TapTechNews June 27, according to Xinhua News Agency, China plans to launch Tianwen-2 around 2025 to carry out an asteroid exploration mission; around 2030, Tianwen-3 and Tianwen-4 will be launched to carry out a Mars sample return mission and a Jovian system exploration mission respectively.

Last April, Zhang Rongqiao, the chief engineer of China's first Mars exploration mission, said in an interview that the work of the Tianwen-2 mission in the initial sample development stage had basically been completed and it entered the formal sample development stage in the middle of last year and will be launched around May 2025. The exploration target of the Tianwen-2 mission is an internationally recognized celestial body with its particularity - the near-Earth asteroid 2016HO3.

 China's Future Space Missions Tianwen-2, 3, and 4_0

Zhang Rongqiao once said that the Tianwen-3 mission will return with samples from Mars, and the Tianwen-4 mission will explore the Jovian system. 'The Tianwen-3 and Tianwen-4 missions are extremely difficult and still need key technology research and development through two to three years'.

According to a previous report by TapTechNews, China's Tianwen-1 probe was successfully launched on July 23, 2020, and after 202 days of flight to Mars, it successfully entered the Mars orbit. On May 15, 2021, the landing rover landed at the target landing point, and the Zhurong Mars rover carried out patrol and exploration.

Related Reading:

'China's 'Tianwen-2' probe plans to be launched around May 2025 to conduct the first asteroid sample return'
