Groundbreaking 'Ran鸿' in the Gas Industry Open Source HarmonyOS-Based Intelligent Solution

On June 27th, IT House news. On June 26th, Beijing Aerospace Topology High-Tech Co., Ltd., Beijing Beikong Smart City Technology Development Group Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Kaihong Digital Industry Development Co., Ltd. jointly hosted the gas industry Ran鸿 technology promotion and product launch conference. At the meeting, the three parties jointly released Ran鸿, which is the first domestic gas industry open source HarmonyOS intelligent product and solution.

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According to the introduction, the Ran鸿 solution is based on the Ran鸿 OS as the technical base, integrating open source HarmonyOS sensing devices, network devices, edge computing and other devices, the Ran鸿 DAIoT platform, Ran鸿 industry applications, and necessary trusted computing environment and other elements.

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Rui series software products include the RH-R-DAIoT large Internet of Things platform and the RH-R-DTSCADA digital twin monitoring system product, launching the key operating links, stations, and the super equipment of the entire gas pipeline network to achieve distributed IoT, associated networking, and twin deduction.

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Yu series hardware products include the RH-Y-1000 intelligent collector, the RH-Y-2000 intelligent controller, and the RH-Y-3000 intelligent edge calculator, etc., with the built-in Ran鸿 OS and equipped with the national security chip, which can realize multi-device self-discovery, self-networking, and cross-device intelligent interconnection and interoperability.

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The organizer also demonstrated the intelligent station products and application scenarios based on Ran鸿, and the demonstration scenarios are divided into five parts: touch-to-connect interaction, simulated pipe burst (pressure drop rate) alarm linkage, fire alarm linkage, station flexible interconnection, and unmanned aerial vehicle airborne networking.

The touch-to-connect interaction mainly uses the Ran鸿 tablet to interact with the on-site open source HarmonyOS devices through NFC, which can be used in the fields of asset management and equipment operation and maintenance;

The pipe burst simulation and fire linkage show the end-side autonomous closed-loop ability of the Ran鸿 system by operating valves and on-site accident simulation;

The unmanned aerial vehicle airborne networking realizes the emergency deployment of the unmanned a erial vehicle equipped with the Ran鸿 system when the on-site edge controller fails and a disaster occurs, and realizes the take-over of the station communication and control.

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According to the previous IT House report, on May 25th, the OpenHarmony Device Unified Interconnection Technology Standard has been officially released, providing a basic standard reference for the formation of unified interconnection and intercommunication in industries such as education, finance, transportation, government affairs, medical, and aviation, and further promoting the development of the OpenHarmony ecosystem in the industry field.
