Graduate Victim Defrauded $2,142.86 in Order Brushing Scam in Hangzhou

TapTechNews August 20th news, today the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau released a fraud case. The victim, Xiao Wu (alias), reported that he was defrauded of 15,000 yuan ($2,142.86) due to order brushing.

Graduate Victim Defrauded ,142.86 in Order Brushing Scam in Hangzhou_0

TapTechNews attaches the case details as follows:

Xiao Wu, the victim, just graduated from university and found a job with little savings, and wanted to do a part-time job to earn living expenses. He joined a part-time group through the introduction of several classmates, who said that the part-time jobs in this group were relatively reliable.

Xiao Wu said that he saw a part-time job information in the group. Because the message started with @everyone, he thought this person was the group owner and added his QQ to get this part-time opportunity.

The other party sent several links to Xiao Wu and informed him that these were links of to boost the performance of the store, and there would be cash back later. However, several of the links opened with blatant anti-fraud publicity slogans such as Do not order brush, prevent fraud, those who contact you for order brushing and cash back are all liars, and there were also buyer reviews like The merchant and the liar came together to defraud us. I was defrauded of more than 50,000 yuan ($7,142.86) in total. I hope everyone will keep their eyes open and not be defrauded.

Such obvious anti-fraud publicity, instead made Xiao Wu feel that this matter was reliable, so he brushed more than 40 orders continuously without any cash back, totaling 15,000 yuan ($2,142.86).

The content of the group chat provided by the victim shows that the person who sent the part-time job information is not the group owner of the part-time group, and because of no permission, the @everyone sent by this person is only text and does not have the function of @everyone in the group, and Xiao Wu regarded this person as the group owner, which led to a series of subsequent operations.

At present, the case is being further processed.

The police remind: Order brushing with rebate is not reliable. When in a part-time group chat, be sure to carefully distinguish the source of the message. Do not be smart but be deceived by your own smartness due to momentary greed.
