Lianyungang Customs Seized 738 Units of Foreign Garbage in the Form of Auto Air Conditioning Compressors

TapTechNews on August 20, according to the Customs Release news, Lianyungang Customs under Nanjing Customs seized the imported goods declared as automotive air conditioning compressors yesterday (August 19), which belong to foreign garbage, a total of 4 batches, 738 units.

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TapTechNews learned from the official notification that when the Lianyungang Customs officers inspected the imported automotive air conditioning compressors, they found that there were many stains and oil stains on the surface of the goods, with severe oxidation and rust, and most of the goods had fault labels attached, suspected to be foreign garbage.

After being sent to a professional institution for identification, the goods belonged to the foreign garbage that is prohibited from being imported in China. Currently, Lianyungang Customs has issued a notice of return and ordered the enterprise to return the goods out of the country as soon as possible.

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In China, it is prohibited to import foreign garbage in any way, and it is prohibited for foreign garbage from being dumped, stacked, and disposed of in China. For those who violate relevant regulations, according to laws and regulations such as the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollution to the Environment, the customs will order the return and impose a fine; if it constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility will be investigated according to law.
