The First Low-Altitude Airspace Service Platform in China Officially Launched in Zhuhai

TapTechNews June 30th news, according to CCTV News reports, this morning, the first low-altitude airspace coordination and operation service platform in the country was officially launched in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province.

It is introduced that the platform system will take the High-tech Zone of Zhuhai City as the first demonstration area, and gradually expand to the whole territory of Zhuhai later. The platform system integrates urban base map data, airspace planning data, meteorological data, etc. of Zhuhai and will realize the integration of the 'four networks' of the facility network, air network, flight route network and service network in the low-altitude economy field, and be interconnected with the national management platform, providing market operation safety guarantee for 'land-sea-air' unmanned equipment, and realizing one-network planning, one-network approval, one-network monitoring, and one-network service for low-altitude flight activities.

The First Low-Altitude Airspace Service Platform in China Officially Launched in Zhuhai_0

TapTechNews noticed that Zhuhai officially issued and implemented the 'Several Measures for Zhuhai to Support the High-Quality Development of the Low-Altitude Economy' on June 12 this year, which includes supporting the settlement of major projects, aircraft airworthiness certification, the construction of public service platforms, reducing test flight costs, laying out low-altitude infrastructure, and encouraging the opening of freight and manned routes, etc.

The 'Several Measures' include classified and phased rewards for certificated enterprises, up to 20 million US dollars; for low-altitude economy manufacturing enterprises that conduct test flights, tests, verifications and other activities at local flight test sites, a subsidy of 30% of the actual test flight service cost will be given. Each enterprise can receive a subsidy of up to 1 million US dollars per year.

And in the 'Action Plan for Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Low-Altitude Economy in Guangdong Province (2024-2026)' released in May this year, it is clearly stipulated that by 2026, the scale of the low-altitude economy in the whole province will exceed 30 billion US dollars, striving for 1 to 2 national-level innovation platforms, the flight hours of general aircraft in the whole province will reach 150,000 hours, and the flight hours of drones will reach 3.5 million hours, etc. Among them Zhuhai is listed as one of the three core cities of the low-altitude economy in the whole province.
