Red Magic 9SPro Series AI Gaming Phone to Be Unveiled with Advanced Features

TapTechNews June 30th news, the Red Magic 9SPro series AI gaming phone will be released at the Red Magic Gaming Universe New Product Launch Event on July 3. The official announced today the special software feature of this phone, AI Trigger.

According to the introduction, the Red Magic 9SPro phone's AI Trigger function supports intelligent recognition of the game scene and provides single-point or continuous-point operations.

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Officials said that when the user is in a shooting game, this function can intelligently recognize the player's magazine status. If the player is in an empty magazine state, the intelligent reloading function will be automatically triggered. In addition, this function also provides prompt operations such as physical strength recovery information.

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TapTechNews reported earlier that the Red Magic Cube AI Grand Model will also be released on July 3. This grand model is cross-platform installed on PC/phone/Pad devices and supports intelligent perception functions, adapting to daily applications + game assistance.

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