TapTechNews Announces Temporary Suspension of Loan Intermediary Industry Ads from May 15

TapTechNews reports on May 11 that Douyin's one-stop marketing service platform 'Volumetric Engine Ad Platform' has announced an adjustment to its industry access strategy, explicitly suspending the information flow business for the loan intermediary industry.

Following the adjustment, Douyin will prohibit customers from promoting intermediary services that involve loan consultation and agency services intended to drive traffic to offline stores, with implementation starting from May 15.

Recently, the platform has identified various illegal and non-compliant risks in the loan intermediary industry, such as reselling customer data, mismanagement of offline stores, and providing false services. To maintain the health of the platform's ecosystem and safeguard user rights, the platform has temporarily restricted advertising for this industry.

Adjustment Specification: Prohibition of promoting services involving loan consultation and agency for offline store traffic-driving.

Scope of Implementation: All industries + local life + non-e-commerce live broadcasting.

Implementation Date: May 15, 2024.

Many users may not be familiar with the Volumetric Engine, so TapTechNews provides a brief introduction here.

The Volumetric Engine is an official marketing service platform under the Douyin Group, which serves as an AdExchange for ByteDance traffic sources such as Douyin, Toutiao (Today’s Headlines), and Xigua Video, integrating various marketing resources from these platforms.

The current product matrix on the Volumetric Engine includes: Volumetric Ads, Volumetric Ark, Volumetric Matrix, Volumetric CloudMap, Volumetric Creative, Pangolin Platform, and DOU+.
