Energy Singularity's Honghuang 70 Achieves Plasma Discharge

TapTechNews June 18th news, Energy Singularity FusionEnergy officially announced that recently, the world's first all-high-temperature superconducting tokamak device developed and built by Energy Singularity - Honghuang 70 successfully achieved plasma discharge.

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It is known that Honghuang 70 has carried out discharge experiments based on two pre-ionization methods, local helical flux injection (electron gun) and ion cyclotron heating (ICRF), and successfully obtained the first plasma.

According to information learned from the official website of Energy Singularity by TapTechNews, Honghuang 70 is designed, developed and built by Energy Singularity with independent intellectual property rights, and the localization rate exceeds 96%. The central field strength of Honghuang 70 high-temperature superconducting tokamak is 0.6 Tesla, and the large radius of the plasma is 0.75 meters. Its magnet system is composed of 26 high-temperature superconducting magnets.

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After the completion and operation of Honghuang 70, it has taken the lead in completing the engineering feasibility verification of high-temperature superconducting tokamak globally. At the same time, the research and construction of Honghuang 70 have achieved the following results:

The world's first all-high-temperature superconducting magnetically confined fusion device

The world's first all-high-temperature superconducting tokamak

The world's first all superconducting tokamak built by a commercial company

One of the four all superconducting tokamaks in operation globally

Tokamak is currently the only magnetically confined fusion technology route that has completed scientific feasibility verification. High-temperature superconducting tokamak is expected to significantly improve the cost performance of the device and accelerate the commercialization of fusion energy. Currently, Energy Singularity is the only team that has built and operated an all-high-temperature superconducting tokamak globally, and the first and only commercial company that has built and operated an all superconducting tokamak globally.

The official of Energy Singularity stated that it will take the completion and operation of Honghuang 70 as a starting point, and use Honghuang 70 as a key experimental platform to invest in developing the next generation of high-field high-temperature superconducting tokamak device - Honghuang 170, which aims to achieve a deuterium-tritium equivalent energy gain (Q) greater than 10.

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Public information shows that Energy Singularity Energy Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was established in June 2021, and the legal representative is Yang Zhao, who graduated from the 09 undergraduate class of the Department of Physics at Peking University and obtained a doctorate from the Department of Physics at Stanford Universit y from 2013 to 2017, with research directions in the intersection of quantum gravity and quantum information and the intersection of artificial intelligence and tensor networks. Energy Singularity has received investment from miHoYo and NIO Capital.
