Wuhan to Support Transport Union Card This Year

TapTechNews May 27th news, for a long time, Wuhan Metro/Wuhan Pass has been criticized by passengers due to its non-support of Transport Union. It is said to be one of the only four cities in the entire Chinese mainland that have metro/rail transit but do not support the Transport Union card. However, various news recently revealed that Wuhan will support the Transport Union card within this year.

Referring to the Bidding and Quality Comparison Procurement Announcement of Double-Secret PSAM Card Project of Wuhan City One Card Co., Ltd. released by Wuhan City One Card Co., Ltd. on April 29th, it is mentioned that in order to achieve comprehensive acceptance of public transportation in the Wuhan metropolitan area and support for national secret application standards, 10,000 international and national secret dual-algorithm PSAM cards that comply with the Technical Specifications for Public Transport IC Cards will be purchased through a bidding and quality comparison method.

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Also according to the Wuhan City Message Board website, TapTechNews noticed that a user recently inquired about the Wuhan Metro Interconnection Gate Modification News from Yangtze River Yuntong Group Co., Ltd., and Yangtze River Yuntong Group Co., Ltd. responded that the Wuhan Metro gate modification work is expected to be completed and put into use within this year.

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