MetaQuest3s Entry-level VR Headset Update

TapTechNews May 21st news, recently there has been continuous news about the "entry-level" VR headset of MetaQuest3s. The news source Lunayian released a new official poster image of this headset today and disclosed the specific parameter information of this headset.

MetaQuest3s Entry-level VR Headset Update_0

Based on TapTechNews' previous reports, this headset can be regarded as a "replaced SoC, added cameras" version of Quest2, mainly replacing with Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 Gen2 in the SoC aspect, and at the same time adding "4 infrared sensors, 2 4MP color see-through cameras and 1 depth sensor". The specifications in other aspects are the same as the previous Quest2 headset, including a panel with a single-eye resolution of 1823x1920 (supporting up to 120Hz at most) and a Fresnel lens.

In addition, this headset will also use the TouchPlus controller of Quest3, but users need to purchase it additionally; and in terms of price, the alleged price of this machine is $299 (TapTechNews note: currently about 2162 RMB), which remains the same as the pricing level of Quest2.
