Zeekr Gets Shanghai L3 Autonomous Driving Test License

TapTechNews, June 3rd. Zeekr Automobile officially announced on its official WeChat account that Zeekr浩瀚智驾 has obtained the L3 autonomous driving test license for Shanghai's expressways and arterial roads, and has achieved a 100% pass rate in more than 30 test items across 7 scenarios. (The official did not disclose specific scenarios).

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Previously, Zeekr had an assisted driving system NZP based on high-precision maps, which can realize functions such as automatically entering and exiting ramps, cruising, changing lanes, and switching intersections under expressways and arterial road scenarios based on navigation paths, reducing the fatigue of medium and long-distance driving, and gradually opening through remote software push. Zeekr NZP can not only recognize traffic light information, but also realize 7 core functions such as active lane changing and overtaking, lane changing according to navigation, automatic ramp passing, correct selection of forks, intelligent detour due to construction, lever changing lanes, and simulated environment display.

The delivery volume of Zeekr Automobile in May 2024 was 18,616 units, a year-on-year increase of 115% and a month-on-month increase of 16%. The official also claimed to set a new historical high.

According to TapTechNews' previous reports, many brands such as Jiyue, Lotus, IM Motors, Seres, BYD, AITO, Changan Automobile, Deepal EV, BAIC Arcfox, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz have successively obtained L3 autonomous driving road test licenses in various domestic locations.

According to the national recommended standard of the 'Classification for Driving Automation of Vehicles' released by the State Administration for Market Regulation, domestic autonomous driving is divided into 6 levels from level 0 to level 5. As shown in the following figures successively:

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