IM Motors' Solid-State Battery Update and Responses

TapTechNews June 2nd, at the Future Automobile Pioneers Conference held on June 1st, Liu Tao, the co-CEO of IM Motors, brought the latest news about the solid-state battery product.

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Liu Tao of IM Motors disclosed that the Light-Year solid-state battery jointly developed by SAIC Motor and Qingtao Energy will achieve mass production and be installed in vehicles in October this year. This battery adopts an inorganic oxide solid-state electrolyte, which is not only non-flammable at high temperatures in terms of chemical characteristics, but also shows super-fast charging performance under a quasi-900 volt high-voltage architecture. Its peak charging power is as high as 400 kilowatts, and only 12 minutes are needed to add 400 miles (about 640 kilometers) of driving range to the vehicle.

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At present, as the first-generation product of the Light-Year solid-state battery, its liquid content is 10%, which belongs to the category of semi-solid batteries. However, IM Motors has already formulated a clear technical roadmap and is gradually transitioning to a fully solid-state battery. By 2025, IM Motors plans to reduce the liquid content of the mass-produced product to 5%, which is closer to the 'fully solid' level. And by 2026, IM Motors expects to achieve the mass production of a fully solid-state battery with a liquid content of 0.

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TapTechNews noticed that Liu Tao also disclosed the progress of the all-dry fully solid-state battery, which has currently entered the 500-day countdown stage. It is expected to be used in combination with the 21000-rpm hurricane motor to enable the IM L6 four-wheel drive performance version model to achieve a maximum driving range of more than 1000 miles (about 1600 kilometers).

In addition to the progress in technology, Liu Tao also responded to the previous public opinion controversy with Xiaomi. He said that there were indeed some misunderstandings in the incident, mainly due to the carelessness of the employees when marking the numbers, and expressed his apology. Liu Tao believes that 'the traditional car companies' start-up new forces in car-making, the difference in traffic marketing and traffic operation from the top Internet companies is very large, and we still need to improve to make users know and recognize us.'

Related reading:

'The release of IM Motors' second sedan L6: Pre-sale ranges from 230,000 to 330,000 yuan, and all models are equipped with the Lingxi digital chassis and rear-wheel steering.'

'IM Motors mislabeled the key parameters of Xiaomi SU7Max at the new car launch of IM L6, and Xiaomi urged IM Motors to clarify.'
