US Prison Uses VR to Help Inmates Learn Auto Repair Skills

TapTechNews May 31st news, how can prisoners in prison improve themselves and how can they integrate into society more quickly after being released? The US MCIW prison is trying to use VR to improve various gaps. Tiffany Joseph Busch, a 36-year-old female prisoner, benefited and learned how to change the car engine oil.

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She said that the entire VR tutorial is very intuitive, and she bluntly said that if she had mastered this skill before going to prison, she would not have taken the car to the repair shop and paid for it. TapTechNews attached the related video as follows:

The VR headset auto repair course in which Busch participated provides various related skill trainings in addition to changing the engine oil. This project was developed by the Baltimore nonprofit Vehicles for Change, aiming to enable prisoners about to be released from prison to master appropriate professional knowledge and engage in technician work to reduce the recidivism rate.

The Maryland Correctional Institution for Women (MCIW) transformed a gymnasium into a virtual auto repair shop, training 15 female prisoners in each session and helping them master auto repair skills and pass the related certification exams.
