Douyin's Anti-Cyber Violence Measures and Updates

TapTechNews May 31st news, according to the official public account of 'Douyin Security Center' reported today, since 2024, Douyin has discovered and disposed of 162 cyber violence public opinions, intercepted more than 50 million comment messages, and issued warnings and educated nearly 700,000 perpetrators.

Douyin announced that it has established a cyber violence clue feedback mechanism with the public security organs and will submit the cyber violence clues suspected of illegal and criminal acts to the public security organs for cracking down in accordance with the law in the first time.

In addition, Douyin will also provide the 'Douyin Xiao'an One-click Anti-Cyber Violence Function'. After the user activates this one-click protection function, within 7 days, he will not receive private messages, bullet screens and comments sent by users other than the selected group.

It is learned that when users are hurt by improper online remarks within the platform but don't know how to protect themselves with legal weapons, Douyin also provides legal consultation services. The official said that this service will entrust the China Legal Consultation Center to answer users' consultations.

TapTechNews attached the function entrance:

Douyin App → Me → Upper right menu → More functions → Security Center → Xiao'an Anti-Cyber Violence → Rights Protection Guidance Page

The official also disclosed four typical violation behaviors, including abusing AI technology to satirize and insult others, revealing others' private information in comments, pasting'swearing' remarks everywhere, and frequently publicly abusing.

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