PICO Device's Avatar Function Upgraded with New Features

TapTechNews, May 31. The Avatar function of the PICO device has been upgraded, adding image center management and custom image creation, and supporting the display of virtual image social scenarios.

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TapTechNews attached the following update contents for this time:

Avatar Image Center

The PICO has added an Avatar image center, enabling users to change the virtual image in this function. It is introduced that the Avatar image center is a system-level image management application, and applications that have access to AvatarSDKv2.0 and above can use it; the Discovery page supports discovering and obtaining custom images uploaded by creators.

Discovery Page

Click the dice Change One, you can randomly draw different preset character images, and click Add to My Image to save.

My Page

All the images obtained by the user will be stored in this area, and the user can switch at any time.

Function Path

On the PICO device desktop, Avatar - User Center - Image Center.

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Avatar Image Creation

Creators upload to the asset library using the Avatar upload tool and then release on the Avatar asset platform, which can then be called in applications that have access to AvatarSDKv2.0.0.

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Creators can also directly VR-online create in the PICO official application Light Workshop, and after the creation is completed, it can be one-click released in the PICO Avatar image center.

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Avatar Social Scenarios

After the PICO Avatar update, users can use the virtual image in social applications, such as the virtual live broadcast room of the Daily PICO Video App, supporting image switching.

The function path of image switching: PICO Video → Multi-person viewing function interface → Create or enter the room → Room management → Switch image.

At present, the multi-person viewing scene only shows the half-body image, and the full-body image will be supported later.

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