Huawei Router Shipment Exceeds 100 Million

TapTechNews May 22nd news, Huawei Terminal officially announced today that as of the first quarter of 2024, the shipment volume of Huawei router products has exceeded 100 million units.

In the first quarter of 2015, the first Huawei home router was released. Now its router product categories are relatively complete, with various product forms, covering parent-child routers, single-item routers, networking routers, etc.

TapTechNews noticed that from the pictures released by the official, in 2024, based on the previous router categories, Huawei will develop more types of router products, including three forms: columnar, square, and single-item routers of the AX3/BE3 series.

At the China Appliance and Consumer Electronics Expo (AWE2024) in March this year, Huawei HiSilicon demonstrated its Wi-Fi 7 Starburst router solution, which is equipped with the HiSilicon Lingxiao 790 chipset, supports Wi-Fi 7 + Starburst heterogeneous network fusion, local AI core and anti-interference algorithm, and the theoretical peak rate reaches 3600 Mbps, which is specifically optimized for the whole-house intelligent scene.
