AutoNavi Maps to Open Spatio-Temporal Fusion Model, Build Spatio-Temporal Intelligent City

TapTechNews on May 20, TapTechNews learned from the official of AutoNavi that during today's AIDay Technology Open Day event, AutoNavi Maps' AutoNavi CloudMap announced that it will gradually open the Yunrui Spatio-Temporal Fusion Large Model and the Yunjing AI 3D Reconstruction Platform to create a spatio-temporal intelligent entity application ecosystem and help smart cities evolve into spatio-temporal intelligent cities.

Liu Zhenfei, the chairman of AutoNavi Maps, said that AutoNavi will help build the new infrastructure of spatio-temporal intelligence in the AI era. During the event, AutoNavi announced that it has reached a cooperation intention with Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, and the two sides plan to jointly create the first spatio-temporal intelligent city. According to the introduction, the construction of the previous generation of smart cities is based on the two-dimensional restoration of the city, and through the fusion of multiple urban data, problems such as data chimneys (information systems that cannot interoperate or coordinate work with other related information systems) encountered in urban management are solved.

AutoNavi Maps to Open Spatio-Temporal Fusion Model, Build Spatio-Temporal Intelligent City_0

Dong Zhenning, general manager of AutoNavi CloudMap, said, With the arrival of the AI era, urban governance and development have entered a new chapter. Issues such as the development of the low-altitude economy have made it an inevitable trend for smart cities to 'upgrade in dimensions'.

AutoNavi announced that it will promote three major upgrades in the perception layer, reasoning layer, and decision layer: promoting the city to upgrade from two-dimensional restoration to three-dimensional, claiming to truly restore the static world of the city; integrating data elements such as people flow, vehicle flow, and event flow to realize the complete restoration and analysis and insight of the city's dynamics; creating more and better artificial intelligence applications to form a virtuous spatio-temporal intelligent entity application ecosystem.

The official also said that based on the above technology, many cultural relics and historic sites that have not been publicly exhibited will have the opportunity to meet the public in the form of digital twins.
