China Successfully launched Remote Sensing No. 43 Group 01 satellites with Long March 4B carrier rocket

TapTechNews August 16th news, according to CCTV News reports, today, China used the Long March 4B carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center to successfully launch the Remote Sensing No. 43 Group 01 satellites into orbit, and the satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success. The satellite is mainly used to carry out new technology tests of the low-orbit constellation system.

China Successfully launched Remote Sensing No. 43 Group 01 satellites with Long March 4B carrier rocket_0

TapTechNews found out that the Long March 4B carrier rocket is a normal-temperature liquid three-stage carrier rocket led and developed by the Shanghai Academy of Aerospace Technology, with excellent performance and wide application. For different types of satellites, the Long March 4B carrier rocket can adopt a flexible launch plan and has the ability to launch satellites of various types and different orbital requirements, and can implement one-arrow and one or multiple satellites launch. Its solar synchronous circular orbit carrying capacity can reach 2.5 tons (orbital altitude of 700 kilometers).
